
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

A model act. A "national motto" act. And it is not the "great again" slogan, but an offered cram-down from the crowd that does not understand freedom from religion. And at a time Whelan is leaving Minnesota's legislature. With the Whelan world view being perfect for the "national motto" some have in mind for you. Roy Moore might mount his horse, ride again, for an accomodating model motto bill putsch agenda.

Bill text, from here (at p.10).

Reporting, here, here, here

With a modest change in wording a truthful motto could emerge: In the hegemony of the Dollar we Trust.

The hegemony of the Dollar is on our side.

The hegemony of the Dollar moves in mysterious ways.

The hegemony of the Dollar is not judgmental, nor can any of us claim to channel it.

David Barton and his "Wallbuilders" gets mention within the cited reporting. You can word-search his name.

David Barton and Wallbuilders, written of by Sorensen with a mention of Abigail Whelan, Nov. 2015; tnis link.


FURTHER: If "Project Blitz" worries you, wait on the "krieg" followup on the Blitz. Naming it "Project Blintz" from the start would have been less deliberately confrontational. I cannot imagine a Blintzkreig.