
Thursday, April 12, 2018

When the preeminant moral scold of the State of Minnesota wants yet more bureaucacy, her way, it is tune time.

The issue is not a bad one, but read the item - a bill that might grow legs, but what's the likely outcome? Besides more paperwork for private sector business and reviewing bureaus?

Well - tune time can say a lot about that which is absurd.

FACT: The purpose of government is to tax and to spend. Spending on public goods, needed things but which cannot be efficiently profitable if left to the private sector. Things such as roads, clean air, clean water, stuff. Not policing hotel/motel occupancy activity, when the police actually already have the power that way, as much as they care to exercise. Why add another layer on that? What's the gain? Aside from a nod to a scold?

Whelan fiddles while Rome has its true needs. May her fetal tissue research nonsense define her, rather than this, which makes some tiny bit of sense, but little. Perhaps somebody could point out to the dear bill sponsor where Urban Dictionary says the term "honky" most likely originated, and that there are automobiles.

This bill, massage parlors likely would back, ditto "dance studios."

What about spending the money on social workers and a network of help-available personnel to work with hookers wanting out, while possibly having drug problems? On advertising the availability of such social service aid and options? Something more sensible than scolding the motel.

Town scold, second tune.

How about doing something useful for a change. Banning robo calls is not a hard aim to identify. Usefulness as a criterion should not be that novel a thing for a legislator to understand. Is usefulness federally preempted, to be honored there in the breach?

__________FURTHER UPDATE___________
Prudes and threat possibilities to internet communication freedoms worries Vox. If in doubt, suppress - as a result of "anti sex-trafficking" worry, would that be a good policy outcome? Is the care of these moral warriors really sex-trafficking, or behavioral intrusion into other peoples' conduct choices? The world's oldest profession will find a way, but along the way intrusions and red tape can wrap up everybody, the great number of innocents as well as a few miscreants. Red tape rigors dreamed up by the worse of the ultra-religious can prove to be a royal pain. An imposition and a pain. Where are our libertarian friends when this kind of nonsense surfaces?