
Thursday, April 05, 2018

Uncertainties remain at present, but Mr. Emmer may feel a party-wide pinch. One more immediate than east coast or west coast trade war pinching, and when the snow's gone and warmth hits heartland, what about soybeans? Said another way, Emmer in November faces Ian Todd for the CD6 seat, and trade war rhetoric if reduced to action may have one good outcome . . .

The expectation is the Macmillan heirs with Cargill in their hearts may be counseling Emmer that loyalty up and down the ranks to the chief's whims and tweets may be less than wise, and the "decent lawyer" quote might be quietly voiced but given personalities, not heard.

HOWEVER, the heart of the post is not about Emmer's experiencing a hot seat with divided loyalties - Cargill interests vs Commander in Chief's trade rumblings.

The post is about Ian Todd.

And soybeans.

Beyond Emmer faults and Stanley Hubbard faults to boot, Ian Todd is working hard to upgrade the representation of the District. He needs contributions. Without the cash to run he is doomed, beyond any demographics of past elections where a pure fool sat many terms in Congress. Pay so the seat is in play:

(320) 247-6432 ---

Send a check for a twenty-seven buck multiple by snailmail? If the website is puzzling that way, the FEC has an address:

ANOKA, Minnesota 55303

My check will be in the mail. Yours? Or will you just ActBlue?