
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Reko Diq Balochistan - and why should you care?

It is dry barren land with no water flows below ground to cause worry and with no nearby wetlands and lakes in danger. Images online, here and here.

They have no thriving taconite industry. But reserves to boast of. Mineral wealth and natural gas.

It is where copper sulfide mining can be carried out with minimal risk, and it is an economy far less prosperous than the regions of Minnesota where taconite supports the local economy.

This link. Here.

One CD8 DFL candidate has been vocal of the needs of copper for generators and motors, for renewable energy and electric powered clean transportation. True enough but the hand-waving starts after that about doing it in high-risk pristine water-rich lands in Minnesota for a handful of jobs but high profits to mining interests and large campaign funding of political expediency in tune with mining interest aims.

Have a look. Read this full item. Anyone saying there's less sense mining copper in this barren waterless terrain vs Minnesota lake country is either blind or insincere.

So, what's the story? And the Canadians, while behind mining adventure suggestions in CD8 know of this more fitting area to mine, same source - read the text beneath the image:

Get real!

If the Pakistanis are more protective of their land's resources against exploitation than tom bakk or Justin Perpich, I'm not responsible for that imbalance, nor is the DFL Environmental Caucus. The easiest marks will be the ones exploited first and most and brazenly with no remorse.

There is plenty of copper where there is less of a risk.