
Sunday, April 22, 2018

Minnesota's CD1 Republicans prove, of all things, interesting. At least in one sense.

Strib covers that operation's convening, this being the quote that resonates:

Republicans gathering in Mankato delivered a surprise result in a straw poll on the GOP governor's race. Hennepin County Commissioner Jeff Johnson finished first, followed by Woodbury Mayor Mary Giuliani Stephens. Former Gov. Tim Pawlenty, who instantly became a top-tier candidate when he joined the race on April 5, was third and Phil Parrish was fourth.

Why Parrish was not third is a question, but beyond that: Likely the resulting order among the four means the gathered faithful would not buy a used car from Pawlenty this time around.

Or it means that money can't buy you love. But Pawlenty is in it for the primary where the rich fund his ambition to serve the rich who told him to leave the big DC paycheck and get back to flyover machinations where instead of being kept by them he was needed by them.

If Johnson beats Timmy in the primary it will prove the rich are now gaining disdain even among Republican grass roots to where the rich only have Tom Perez, the DCCC and the DNC to turn to.

A Blue Wave without progressives atop it, leading edge surfing that wave, will be a ho-hum, as usual, and not monumental.

Let's get monumental for a change.

Laura Moser representing a person and place to see something, Randy Bryce being another. The Bryce thing might be a disappointment with Darth Vader no longer being there to unseat; even should the force be with Bryce. Michelle Lee up in CD8 might prove something, or she might be sidetracked along the way and Stauber elected.

If Ian Todd can unseat Emmer in CD6, that would not be only a Blue Wave, it would be a tsunami.

May it be. So folks in CD6, besides those that are the Emmerites, show Todd a little respect. Donate.

Also, in the several states where legislatures and executive powers may be turned, that might be where grass root progressivism does best.

There is hope. Hope for Our Revolution being prophetically named, rather than less. HOPE, for actual CHANGE.