
Sunday, April 01, 2018

In the mood of the Day, a question.

Given how Trump has recycled Bolton, why has Trump not recycled Karl Rove? Trump and Rove seem as kindred in spirit as Trump and Pence. Rove is much like Pence except he feigns less.

And as to mood and spirit of the day; the Rove thought is not one of resurrection, but curbside recycling; and, indeed, the day in view with regard to Bolton and Rove is not Easter but All Fools Day; which this year coincide.

It also seems to be a resonant idea that Karl Rove belongs at Cambridge Analytica. For all we know, he may be there. By merger. More.

A decade ago, "contempt" was a word of joinder for the two. I use it differently, toward the two. An evaluation of them now, vs a status of them then.

_________FURTHER UPDATE_________
Little known fact, weasels hibernate.