
Thursday, April 12, 2018

DFL official speaks the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth - per Strib headline, "Gov. Mark Dayton rips into his predecessor, and would-be successor, Tim Pawlenty 'I don't know what he's going to run on because his record as governor was so abysmal,' Dayton said in an interview with the Star Tribune."

Well, perhaps not the whole truth. That would take days to delve into. But that headline captures the nub of things.

Strib reporting.

In response, Pawlenty’s campaign did not directly address Dayton’s criticisms.

“Finger pointing is just another example of how divisive politics has become in Minnesota today,” said Sam Winter, a spokesman for Pawlenty’s campaign. “Tim Pawlenty has the experience and strength to bring people together and get important things done for the future of Minnesota.”

For years and for obscene amounts of money the gentleman got "important things done" for the banking elite of the nation. As a lobbyist. As a DC insider. As one who is close to the single worthwhile thing Michele Bachmann ever did, and that was her going to Iowa and killing the insane belief some, Pawlenty especially, had that Timmy was presidential an any way whatsoever. Bachmann buried that absurdity, and it is nice to be able to say something good about Bachmann, given her legacy.

If doing "finger pointing" at Pawlenty and his super-rich money tree shaking in secret Minnesota and Florida venues, which finger should I use?

A simple fact is that credit card interest rates in Minnesota are outrageous, and a bank stooge would never want to see that changed.

Go from there, THINK. What else would be expected from a bank stooge? It's not rocket science to figure Pawlenty and his backers out. So go figure. The DFL has yet to name a candidate for Governor, and Jeff Johnson has been diligent in Republican caucusing while Pawlenty has been lying low but wheedling big buck folks to assist his ambitions. Jeff Johnson may get the GOP endorsement, and Republican readers, would you expect Mr. Pawlenty to abide? Do pigs fly?

Remember in 2010 when the word "unalloter" wwas added to Minnesota's political vocabulary. Learn or repeat. Back then it was clear the man ran on ambition. Still the same, wealthier, more beltway under his belt. But same troublesome Tim. The man caused needless strife by putting image and ambition first. And then went to Iowa to pose as presidential. Not Minnesota nice but with a sincere looking smile covering what's behind it.

________FURTHER UPDATE__________
The story is still online. All that is needed is websearching. Divisiveness and hard heartedness, with a charming smile? Paul Ryan, with a smile?

________FURTHER UPDATE__________
Special legislation was necessary to undo the man's mess. Minnesota nice would be nicer, had Pawlenty stayed in his beltway habitat stooging for bank money. He did not. So we have to deal with that. Jeff Johnson does not have that baggage, but let's see what our Republican friends end up doing.

_________FURTHER UPDATE__________
Enough screed. Try humor. Two Sack cartoons, recently here; and earlier - March 2011, and in an unfortunate context in terms of future events, here. Nonetheless, the Sack cartoon at the latter site captures a key aspect - the key aspect - of bank lobbyist and earlier unalloter, Tim Pawlenty.

__________FURTHER UPDATE__________
Can you say "oversized ego?" If not, just say "Tim Pawlenty." End of story.

__________FURTHER UPDATE_________
Readers will notice declining here to quote much of the latter half of the Dayton exposition, which is because going to the Strib source rather than excerpts here serves the reader best.

And before accusing Strib of having a bias, it is owned by a former Republican legislator, and parallel unkind thoughts about Pawlenty appear out of Pipestone, which when last checked was not an urban DFL enclave. A record of deficit financing disaster is strange as a calling card. One thing about the Strib report - the schools were good back then despite Pawlenty, not in any way because of him. His boat anchor effect, stringing out school money to phony up a "balance" to his spending was not much assist for schools, and believing otherwise ends any chance of clarity of thought being offered in rebuttal to a critique.

________FURTHER UPDATE________
The phony critter went and dug from the back of the closet his "Sam's Club" duds. At least credit him for not outgrowing their size while fat-catting around DC. They look brand new, but could be just shelved a long time unused, until wanting to hick it up with the base again. Photo from this report. Does Sam's Club sell carpet bags?