
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

CD8 DFL: The final shoe dropped. The primary will be Michelle Lee vs. Joe Radinovich, may the better candidate win.

Phifer in an email to supporters reported her decision to withdraw. It being a public statement apart from any press release she may issue, here is a part:

I’m writing to share some difficult news with you today. After assessing resources and potential primary election strategies, I have decided not to move my candidacy forward to represent Minnesota’s 8th Congressional District. I’m so proud of the grassroots followingLeah addressing the convention with supporters Dan Fanning, Michael Mayou, Nevada Littlewolf and Lisa Radosevich. we’ve built across the district – farmers, students, teachers and many more have kept this campaign afloat even while barely making ends meet for themselves. Without DFL party resources, I can’t keep asking my supporters to keep sacrificing for this campaign (though I have no doubt that you would). It was not an easy decision to make, but again I’m incredibly proud of what we built and how we moved the needle forward in the 8th district. We may not have made it all the way, but we forever altered the conversation by bringing new voices to the table.

Looking back over the past ten months, because of your dedication and resilience, we went extremely far. You took me - a political newcomer and grassroots candidate - and turned me into the top delegate-earner in an open endorsement race for Congress. Whoever our next representative is, I hope they follow the path we have carved out together.

[...] I was once told there is a very close relationship between how people treat women and how they treat the earth - we've seen that play out very clearly the past several months. Please continue to fight for both; I know I will. It was the greatest honor to be a vehicle for your voices these past few months.

While believing Lee has the sounder candidacy between her and Radinovich, little likely will be posted here about the CD8 contest after Phifer's withdrawal. The belief was always she'd be extraordinarily good as a fresh voice in Congress. That level of promise will be hard for the two remaining candidates to match. I had the same feeling about Jeff Erdmann. Craig will be okay, if she gets past Jason Lewis. She and Erdmann could not both advance. She should give Lewis a better run this cycle than last. She was the better candidate then, but now she's more experienced. And the Blue Wave is anticipated, may it happen with more progressives than corporatists. Craig is enough a progressive. Then next to Lewis, no contest.

CD3 needs an upgrade too, big time. The absentee if defeated likely will remain in DC, his habitat, for lobbying loot.