
Thursday, March 08, 2018

The long knives are out to upend [privatize] the VA. Veterans, get up, stand up, stand up for your rights.

Daily Beast mentions Hegseth and the Marvel comic book head honcho, neither of which responded directly or by delegated spokespersons.

The VA is empowered to negotiate drug prices and is socialized medicine that has worked over decades in a nation where nobody else is allowed the benefits of socialized - single payer - medical care.

What is needed is a cradle to grave base coverage that is more than barebones, for eveery citizen, regardless of career path chosen, volunteer military or civilian. Everybody, fair healthcare as a right, universal, government run government paid. Any medical professional dissatisfied with such an arrangement once implemented would be free to go to Botswana or wherever single payer universal coverage does not exist (places Trump called "shithole countries" likely without healthcare insufficiencies in mind).