
Friday, March 02, 2018

MN HD 35A - Hillebregt campaign emails notice of two key endorsements going into the DFL's SD 35 convention this evening.

Here is the text of the email from

New Labor and Environmental Endorsements!
Hello District 35A Delegates!

As you head out to the Senate District 35 convention this evening, we wanted to let you know about two new endorsements that came through yesterday.

First, I am honored to have earned the House District 35A endorsement from AFSCME Council 5, the largest labor union in the state of Minnesota. These hard-working individuals are dedicated to making Minnesota a better place to live for everyone across the state by furthering the cause of workers’ rights.

DFL Environmental Caucus
Second, I very happy to earn the endorsement from the DFL Environmental Caucus. This group of passionate environmentalists and outdoor folk are committed to ensuring we will be able to experience the Minnesota we have all grown up to love and cherish.

It is humbling to receive the support of groups that mean so much to me personally and that represent our community's desire to receive fair pay for honest work as well as maintain our special relationship with the outdoors.

I can't wait to start working for you in St. Paul alongside these fantastic organizations. To get this work started, I need your support tonight at the Senate District 35 convention. Please look me up around the building tonight. I will be happy to talk with you and listen.

Most importantly, come on out and participate! This is where democracy is at its best!

Second sourced Environmental Caucus:

AFSCME Council 5 second sourcing not found, website updating might be delinquent. DELEGATES: Ask about it at the SD 35 Convention, this evening.

Given how this affects two candidates for endorsement this evening, the AFSCME Council 5 position should have been pinned down, by them online, tighter than a drum. It is good that the enviros have their act together.