
Friday, March 23, 2018

MINNESOTA CD8: Leah Phifer doing well in gaining delegate numbers toward a possible endorsement. At least two kill-joys seem set to push her to a primary.

A primary would not be good by consuming resources that should in an ideal world be aimed at defeat of the former hockey jock, current mining shill. What's his name?

Reporting from the north, here and here.

If you conclude one of the kill-joys is named Metsa, gold star to you. Each party has its mining shill, but only one of the parties has an unopposed mining shill.

Phifer would be a good fresh face in Congress. She would be good for the District, good for the State. May it happen.

Also, mixing in some youth along with others such as Pelosi in the House cannot be anything but a national benefit. Indeed, with Pelosi having a primary challenger, perhaps the challenger would win, and mix things up as well.

Progress will come only from progressives being elected; Trump-Ryan being the alternative; or Trump-Ryan with a bit of Tom Perez would not be much in the way of progress. Blue Dogs will vote with progressives on organizing and will play a role in setting numbers defining majority party and minority party; but Blue Dogs do not learn new tricks.