
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Connor Lamb. The non-Pelosi.

Not a primary opponent for the term limits poster child, rather on the other side of the nation, running interesting ads.

YouTube here and here.

He really does not say much on healthcare, minimun wage, student debt or income disparity, but still . . .

UPDATE: A link. Deep pockets, much spending.

Republican outside groups have dropped more than $10 million into the district.

But the latest polls show Lamb closing in on Saccone — or even passing him. Trump won the district by 20 points in 2016, but a new Monmouth poll released Monday showed Lamb leading.

Those numbers are stoking concerns among Republicans worried that a loss could shake the GOP ahead of the midterms.

“I have a very, very bad feeling in my gut about this one. I don’t think this is going to go well for Saccone,” said one Pennsylvania Republican strategist who asked for anonymity to give a candid impression of the race. “At some point, I saw [Saccone] as a guy in a rowboat in the middle of the Atlantic. They were rowing like hell, but they weren’t making any headway.”

Saccone has tied himself tightly to Trump in the final days of the race, a last-minute appeal to Trump voters, including many registered Democrats, who turned out in droves for the president less than two years ago.

Sitting with Saccone at a popular local candy shop, Trump Jr. called for Republicans to react to the recent polls by casting their ballots for Saccone.

FURTHER: Polls are premature except after polling places close, and votes are counted.