
Saturday, March 24, 2018

"But no one on the left with money seems to want to do anything except make contributions to Democratic candidates that go into worthless TV ads that only make Democratic consultants rich."

The headline is a paragraph from a HuffPo post. Read it. There are points that merit debate, but not in this post. And as reading will show, the man's "left" is not the progressive end of the spectrum. That said, think of the one Angie Craig 2016 30 sec candidate focus ad (on YouTube; "Start") mentioned previously, and think of the Hillary convention balloon drop, clearly something coordinated by well compensated consultants. Possibly the same ones who did the Craig item. More likely; Podesta delegated some of the balloon drop responsibility, the number of balloons, etc., but timing of the drop and the false-smile staging and open-mouthed awe at a balloon drop which the candidate was made to practice time and again before the drop so as to look coached but absolutely insincere, that probably was straight Podesta wisdom, for the ages. She gave some kind of speech, memorable to some possibly, stronger together being perhaps a theme, at least getting a mention, those exact words.

Craig's 2016'er, the slow motion walk, the frozen mechanical smile, that galling background music, 30 sec of pure hell. Not that the Republicans did better, not so, check it out.

As if done by two teams from different corners of the same DC flak shop.

A learning curve; enough of one? You decide. Same fucking bothersome background cocktail lounge piano player's tune and mood! Same damned staged talking rate vs how the candidate voiced herself in candidate forum sessions between her and Jeff Erdmann -- Without a lounge piano player!

Angie - THINK. At least the no makeup and face-the-camera casually dressed and explain policy thinking worked; but who scripted things differently than at the forum? Ditch the piano, talk normally instead of "voicing," and show passion for what you are saying.

Then -- Write it yourself and say it your way.

Last thought: on the Republican side, that dreadful thing, at least they did not insert a Nancy Pelosi image. Or did they and I missed it? The point is that Democrats need not put themselves forward as being or appearing to be as shallow and idea deprived as Republicans. After all, they are not.

Somebody should pass a law: No background music of any kind in any political ad, be it positive or negative in theme. Words alone must carry it. Make it: One small step for a candidate; one giant step for the voting public.

(Not that "Stronger Together" will be a chosen tune again.)

The longer newer Craig item is by far superior over the earlier shorter production. That has to be clearly noted. But lounge piano music remains an issue? Tom Waits. Accompanying image arrangement done by a DC consultancy shop. Any questions?

________FURTHER UPDATE_________
Watching the 2+ minute newer Craig production - The closing two sentences. "Let's build a Minnesota for all of us. TOGETHER, I know we can." Why not, "Let's build a Minnesota for all of us. We can." Just saying that an emphasis on "Together," with a pause, it is reminiscent of failed wording. Also, start with what you'd do, then how the background shaped the understanding. The message is what you intend if elected, what you'd do to improve things, not how you became who you are. Personalizing the understanding should follow saying what the understanding is.