
Friday, February 09, 2018

WTF is the "Website:"? Put another way, meeting the sidebar mission statement of this blog.

Got that link from here, this screenshot:

click the image to read it, or open it in a new tab

Don't these privileged idiots check web links when they report them to government agencies?

Fact: There is no "" website. None.


If there is some guy out there named Fred Omclub, he'd possibly dislike his name being misused.

Coincidentally, Sorensen at Bluestem Prairie has some interesting recent stuff posted, so have a look.

In case you have not figured out the game Freedom Club plays, look at a list of the players, then guess.

GOP rings bells with me.

For slow readers, the second image is added as a hint. Click the first one to enlarge it to read. Some readers may recall a few elections ago they dissed Republican Jim Abeler, so you can figure out how their litmus tests. Corporate money, weird priorities? You decide.

FURTHER: You want more? They embrace enemies of the economic well being of the bulk of the American people, including a multimillionaire DC bank lobbyist whom they tout along with a mega-million dollar PAC head honcho, and Ms. crazy eyes, with her bullhorn and bible who stayed in Congress long enough to vest a federal pension.

And they've been at it for decades.