
Friday, February 09, 2018

What a piece of work . . . [UPDATED - Lawyers advise Trump to wuss out]

"Trump won't declassify Democratic memo on Russia probe - Updated: February 9, 2018 — 10:46 PM EST," this link, this quote:

The president's rejection of the Democratic memo is in contrast to his enthusiastic embrace of releasing the Republican document, which he pledged before reading to make public. The president declassified the document last week, allowing its publication in full over the objections of the Justice Department.

[...] Trump has said the GOP memo "vindicates" him in the ongoing Russia investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller. But congressional Democrats and Republicans, including House Speaker Paul Ryan and Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, who helped draft the GOP memo, have said it shouldn't be used to undermine the special counsel.

So? Expect more drama, little substance. Until the rubber meets the road:

Mueller presumably still wants an interview with Trump. The rest is theater. Will the wuss show up, with the conversation transcribed, or what? Executive privilege? Send Jarad? [UPDATE: Lawyer advice: NYT, here.]

Don't stop there. It is Trump Tune Time.

_________FURTHER UPDATE___________
Now that the Trump Mother of All Parades is the segued topic, it is time to explain why it would be prohibitively costly.

First, he wants it to be like the French Bastille Day parade. Big problem. He has no FOREIGN LEGION. You can tell when the French parade end is reached, because of the Legion. Same link, there'd have to be a new marching anthem, since the Legion has one. That's more cost, and who of that mode of music still lives here? Retooling some Souza march might save a few bucks; or just make Hail to the Chief the official U.S. Foreign Legion marching order.

There are ways and means.

So there would be the cost of instituting a U.S. Foreign Legion, to be like the French event. But what else?

Enlarging the Pentagon to accommodate a sixth side, for the Legion, and changing all the stationary - the cost would be prohibitive.

Even using a legion of parade side memorabilia sales sites would likely fail to recoup the cost. Sale of Trump-Parade and Trump-Legion first edition blankets, shirts, ties, vodka, steaks, it would be something of a cash infusion, but if there is a shortfall that would not be deficit neutral; and Rand Paul would get into a major sized snit over that which would require appeasement which might end up also not being deficit neutral.

Problems abound. But this is the can-do administration, so expect that good as the French or whoever parade, not just in your lifetime, but during the Trump first four years; since there may not be a second Trump four years. Just saying. At least expect the sensitivity of the man, with advice from Pence, to not require goosestepping along the route.

And another of the biggest possible roadblocks, potential problems with gender segregation, and what of uniform nonuniformity.

And this dude's got his parade, and Trump's no puppet so differentiation again rears its ugly head. Along with over-sizing.

The French are on YouTube too. Do we have enough swords and sabres? (An interesting note, neither the French nor the Russians goosestep. Is there some history to that? Something the Asians did not directly experience?)

Also, keeping up with the Jone'ses would involve looking at something that perhaps the French and us may both prefer to not parade over. But the Mother of All Parades would fail if declining to trump every other parade on YouTube, and that's a tall order.

Wait, that's another thought, use only tall people . . .

Hell, you think of it, it's only cost and will. And logistics. Perhaps a need for more horses and polished plumed helmets. But, bottom line, a bodacious parade will Make America Great Again. You see that, don't you? And that's the point of it all.

Wait, a further legion, A citizens' brigade. With baseball hats red lettering on white, white lettering on red, each proudly saying, . . .

Well, make up a phrase. "Stay at Trump Hotels?" "Golf on My Turf?" "Trump University." "Ivanka Shoes." Boundless possibility. Just - Something catchy. Work it out.

FURTHER: One worry, an oldster like Trump having to stand for a longer-than-Bastille-day parade, his health, Pence a heartbeat away, but even that sincere consideration has its answer. If larger than life might appear a bit contrived, go life-size. Imagine, all along the parade route, a scene could be repeated.

It will be the U.S. of A. military, can-do, will-do, and that same answer to a Trump standing worry, the crowds, that way too.