
Thursday, February 01, 2018

The Schumer mantra that proved false November 2016, tested again in the Ossoff money-binge and proving false is, based on looking at all the evidence, a total falsehood.

This minute-and-a-half video, outlining the 2-for-1 magic Schumer formula for sunshine and roses.

And that is why the Ossoff-related reminder item has been elevated higher on the sidebar now, as Minnesota's DFL approaches precinct caucus time. To make a point needing to be made, not to rub it in.

The Democratic Party standing as a party of corporatists is a party standing for a loss. Time after time.

Bill Clinton was an outlier, an anomaly.

Always expect the Republican candidate will win against a Republican-lite, calling oneself "a Democrat."

May Randy Bryce prevail this November and finally and fully bury the Schumer myth of the magic 2-to-i gain. Fiction differentiates itself from fact once evidence accumulates.

Podesta - what's to say. He is not like you or me. He probably would not like you or me. We've nothing to pay him to lobby for on our behalf, and that's a big-time measure in DC of worth of an individual.

Jimmy Dore explains. Some time ago, before Tom Perez/DNC sidetracking Ellison impressed a nation.

A year and a half ago, National Review. That was the before with the Dore video analysis the after (and hotly so, no cooling off time having intervened).

A Reddit thread. Read it, please. Between now and Feb. 6. It admittedly is a non-mainstream thread, but then post-election mocking of that Schumer stuff is easy for anybody. These people are pissed that things got so stupid that we are stuck now with succession to the White House:

Trump - in and prospering
Pence - wants it, for his God and faith
Ryan - wants it, and your Social Security
