
Sunday, February 18, 2018

Payday lender abuse should be a BIG election issue; showing via a face-of-heartlessness appointed henchman, that Trump hates little people. The less-than wealthy exist to be shorn in Trump's world. Lied to first, then after a show of reliance, fleece them. Also, an image related to the henchman, and the adage of two birds with one stone (the friend of my enemy is my enemy).

A more detailed post is anticipated tomorrow or in the next few days, sometime. For now a websearch, given that Dev Crabgrass readers can follow links and read: The CFPB bastardized by a bastard.

Salon payday report - Feb. 17, 2018
read it
That particular bastard being Mick Mulvaney.

This Mulvaney has a history. One Digby roasted, per QOTD, Hullabaloo, Tuesday, March 07, 2017. Roasted about lesser mischief, back then. With a great opening image for when is a wall not a wall? When it's a promise, when it's to be chain link fencing, if even that.

Who could ever like, even associate with, or lend one's name in any way to a scum-sucking bottom feeder like Mulvaney? Yes, a rhetorical question as a lead-in to, "But wait, there's more."

Well start with the obvious, Trump/Pence delegated the guy the powers to destroy along with a top-flight paycheck; two White House administrative agency hats to wear. So ring that as Bell No.1

Again, yes that's a lead-in to "But wait, there's a Bell No.2."

And what might that be; which confederate of ill-will and bad advice? And pay attention if you are a Minnesotan - it rings close to home, a perp moving out of DC, a hint - with the carpet bag packed and Banking Roundtable lobbying for Big Money as recent history; DC in the rear-view mirror; back like a pestilence returned to Minnesota. Now waiting but for the tires to cool off a respectable bit before a plunge into lower-pay mischief. A second hint - not just "a guest," but "a special guest" -

Two birds of a feather, flucking together - one stone. Now will the great Mulvaney reciprocate, at over a hundred bucks a plate? Mick as Tim's special guest?

At Freedom Club. (The Willy Wonka bullshit factory. Where BS is spread on with worn-out fifteen second platitudes.)

Okay, you got it? Pass the news around, Pawlenty Payday wants unsuspecting votes. Representing big banks in the "lobby," was yesterday, 2010 it was selling another brand, Mick Mulvaney; and he'd probably as soon sell you Trump vodka or Trump steaks. As "a special guest."

Ask Tim wherever he stops to speak, ask if after the big banks paid him big bucks is he now a tout for the lending-industrial-complex bottom feeders, for payday loan-sharking?

Or does he regret special guesting for Mulvaney, seven years ago? Or did he just think it would not be remembered? Swept under the rug, all that?