
Sunday, February 11, 2018

Not knowing who Ben Shapiro is nor caring to take any time to find out, a link is given with a thought to ponder.

This link. Deficits arise from spending exceeding income. Raising taxes would lessen deficit worry. Matching income and spending at the federal level raises the question, who are most able to pay more? What policy should follow?

Also to ponder, did a majority of the population prior to this last budget and tax monstrosity want more spending on regime change aims met via an increase in warfare spending? Or do most people still want Social Security to work and to have a healthy population able to have medical needs attended to as they arise?

FOX host Hegseth in his premises does a true glide-and-slide around that issue of a death-industry boost as somehow being popular.

A tool. A fools' tool. Little else. But why else would FOX keep him? They know their audience.