
Sunday, February 11, 2018

Mac Hammond. John Hagee. Jonathan Falwell.

Links here and here. There are only three familiar names - those which are headlined. Not worth my time to websearch the others. Surely the First Amendment allows the batch of 'em freedom to assemble and freedom of speech. Whether you trust their motives or character is a personal thing, based on your reading and upon any websearching you may do, given these two links, and reporting.

Reporting: Wikipedia,  WaPo here and here, and this link. The last link references this organization. Downloads. Wikipedia. An article from 2010.

This image.

UPDATE: The image should not apply to the grifters. It is the congregants, looking for authority figures to stand up front, elevated platform, and regularly and repeatedly tell them what to do and to give reassurance. The massive percentage of which voted Trump.  He stood up front and told them, via all that free TV coverage, to vote for him. Done, as told. They want prosperity, and Trump sold his gospel, even saying his favorite book was not "Art of the Deal," but the bible. A clear lie. Until then he'd never made a cent from the bible, but royalties were yielded by "Art if the Deal." A zero gain book over one that flowed cash? Get real.

But that Trump endorsement did yield. Putting the ol' name brand on it, wow. Ignorant believing votes in droves. After all, the Trump voters in that bloc, besides the Mercer money sorts, supported a man with a simple message. Never mind it was a lie and he seeded his administration with billionaires to where it was hard to count them all, it was the promises that counted. Those congregants listening to Mac Hammond or Hagee types wanted their sorry small lives "Great Again." Again, from when?

Yes, Bernie stood up front and said what to do. But get off your butts and push for certain goals, vs. God's loved will prosper, compare the message and understand.

Many born every minute. Too many. In that cartoon Dogbert is the authority figure. With different hair it is Trump.