
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Ian Todd - DFL candidate for the CD6 seat now held by Tom Emmer.

Ian Todd was a co-subject of an earlier post, here; along with commentary about concentrated big-donor money in politics tilting election contests in a bad way.

The latter truth is better known than Ian, with Tom Emmer being a known entity from years in the legislature and taking over the Michele Bachmann mantle as district gadfly.

Wes Volkenant as a comment to the earlier post noted Ian has a town hall video posted on the Todd Facebook page:

I do not believe there is any Emmer town hall online, since he's decided he need not report back to the district (Republican donors apparently are happy with him, and to Emmer that has to matter). It is like Paulsen in CD3, disdain (or is it fear and loathing) over going back to the voters and facing questions over tax breaks for billionaires and healthcare total nonsense. They both seem unusually reticent, bunkered in the beltway.

At any rate, watch the Todd town hall, to see the candidate but also to remember what holding a town hall looks like. Also, read what Todd has posted on the issues at his campaign website:

From there you can navigate to Todd's contribution page. That is needed given how the Republican big money machine owns its vested shareholdings in Tom Emmer, poised to invest more.

In closing, two things: First, a hat tip to Wes. V., who frequently submits comments worth elevating into a post update or in causing a new post featuring his info.

Second, a reminder to DFL insiders and Berniecrats outside of "party regulars" status but interested in the District 35 DFL monthly meeting process and in supporting DFL candidates:

Senate District 35 Monthly meeting this Wed. Feb 28 - Same time: 7pm, Same place: Davanni's Pizza in Coon Rapids.

For those who at precinct caucus were selected to be Delegates to the SD35 Convention, remember:
DFL 2018 Senate District 35 Convention is this Friday, March 2. Relevant info is on your Delegate blue card.