
Monday, February 12, 2018

Charlie Sheen could play the lead in: Rob Porter - The Movie.

Just saying. From photos they seem to look similar. And the thought is presuming it would be a film that could gross millions.

UPDATE: A question. Now that he's resigned where will they park Porter with a good paycheck? Some law firm? Lobbying would seem indelicate. A position with Mitt Romney, doing whatever? A place on the Marriott board of directors? A job overseas?

(Where is Romney working these days? Officially retired? A church position and duties?)

FURTHER: A saying is that the graveyards are full of indispensable people. Rob Porter will be replaced. Someone who has a permanant already granted security clearance in all likelihood will take over duties. Vetting will be intense, and the likely successor will be someone married to one spouse from being a single person to taking office. Care will be apparent. And publicized.

Domestic abuse is not an easy topic, and stress can make people act out of character. Or an abusive personality may exist, and abuse be in character, but present along with laudable traits, as was claimed to be Rob Porter's situation.

BOTTOM LINE: Rob Porter, like Trump, is not an indispensable person for the job Porter held, and the job Trump now holds.

A thing saddening to some and joy to others is Mike Pence being next in line, should Trump exit office or choose to not seek reelection. And Paul Ryan being in third place.

FURTHER: The New Yorker questions Kelly in all of this. Do you get to be a General by saluting the chain of command, keeping friends close, is the military background a factor or has Kelly a personality fitting the questioning in the item, which squares with what the military might expect? Tulsi Gabbard is a veteran, but never stayed long nor made it high up in the ranks. Is there a personality molding which fits the New Yorker portrait and which also is not unique to Kelly?

And if Porter was an information bottleneck of info getting to Kelly and Kelly one on info reaching Trump, how does that square with some of the tweeting; and with the choice of tweeting instead of other methods. Twitter seems to be Trump's only press secretary. With Huckaby-Sanders doing mop-up and obfuscation. Never forget that Twitter is shallow.