
Thursday, January 04, 2018

Uncharitable attitude toward bricks, etc. [UPDATED]

CBC carries an AP story about Bannon, a book, and:

'Dumb as a brick'

In the book, Bannon also speaks critically of Trump's daughter and White House adviser, Ivanka, calling her "dumb as a brick."

"A little marketing savvy and has a look but as far as understanding actually how the world works and what politics is and what it means — nothing," he is quoted saying.

New York magazine also published a lengthy adaptation of the book on Wednesday, in which Wolff writes that Trump believed his presidential nomination would boost his brand and deliver "untold opportunities" — but that he never expected to win.

It says Trump Jr. told a friend that his father looked as if he'd seen a ghost when it became clear he might win. The younger Trump described Melania Trump as "in tears — and not of joy."

Steve had the honor of working in the White House & serving the country. Unfortunately, he squandered that privilege & turned that opportunity into a nightmare of backstabbing, harassing, leaking, lying & undermining the President. Steve is not a strategist, he is an opportunist
— @DonaldJTrumpJr

A brick is solid and substantial. The man could have left bricks alone; and said "air head." But why quibble over words when it's the thought that counts?

Pence-Kushner faction wins over Bannon faction, the win officially declared by Mercer money bags.

Is this a surprise? Did you expect anything else?