
Friday, January 05, 2018

The Congressional Review Act, Net Neutrality, Ars Technica, and Fight for the Future. Something of a howto-undo the skulldugery done by the Republican controlled FCC undermining what 90% of the people of the US of A want.

Congressional Review Act per Wikipedia.

Read Ars for background reporting of the Net Neutrality or vote them out suggestion.

The "Fight for the Future" About-Us page.

Last - the key link to be part of the effort:

Key wording on that linked page:

The FCC just ignored the public and killed net neutrality. But in 2018, Congress will have a simple up or down vote on whether to overturn the FCC or betray 83% of American voters, in a close election year. If they don't vote for net neutrality, we won't vote for them. They'll listen, or lose.

[italics emphasis added]

Is there any part of that you do not understand, Mr. Emmer, Mr. Paulsen, or Mr. TalkRadio Lewis.

The organization has a "news" page, aptly enough at this URL

Among other things that link includes a "news" item which exposes the Marsha Blackburn hoax.

_________FURTHER UPDATE___________
Broad support; this link. "Projects" page.

Parallel EFF support for and information about the Net Neutrality Issue. EFF has a "good guy" history you can take to the bank.