
Tuesday, January 02, 2018

RT has dossier hunger. Arguably for correct reasons.

Read the item here.

It appears FISA itself is the problem. An anti-democratic thing that never should have been created; where the press has yet to be asking how this secret court business ever came about in the first place. It is anethema to the notion of an informed electorate being essential for actual democracy to work.

Who cooked up that mischief in the first place - Patriot Act stuff, all that which makes "Deep State" a credible worry?

Who did it, how and why? Who keeps the thing going, and why?

More important - why is there no groundswell of demand that the mess be undone; that the process is an entirely untrustworthy thing because things done in secret need not be done in any just fashion or manner. It is an invitation for abuse and for creating distrust among the public in a government allegedly answerable to the public.

War on Terror crap notwithstanding, fix something badly undemocratic and clearly broken.

Criticism can be raised on RT as a source; yet unfortunately a known alternate source can generally be regarded as equally or more unreliable, in editorializing and propagandizing in its reporting; yet in posting what appears unedited actual congressional committee testimony, FOX likely is not fudging too much; this YouTube brief item; (this web search for links to an entire multi-hour Dec. 7 testimony segment for those wishing to invest the time to review more than seven key minutes).

In this instance the FOX broadcast posted segment seems reliable and justified, regardless of FOX motivations in its broadcasting decisionmaking. This is NOT some clown like Pete Hegseth bloviating about stuff; but instead it has every appearance of being a seven-minute unedited segment of public congressional testimony. So have a look.

Is it not high time that FISA be reviewed in light of whether it is helpful or hurtful to the AMERICAN PUBLIC knowing wtf is happening when the full weight of the heavy boot of secret government is placed on anyone's throat?