
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Randy Bryce in running against Paul Ryan is running an aggressive campaign, emailings to supporters and all.

Text of one quite recent Bryce email:

In his campaign announcement, Randy Bryce, an Army veteran and 20-year Ironworker with the Twitter handle @IronStache, declared, “Let's trade places, Paul Ryan. You can come work the iron, and I'll go to DC.”

It’s obvious to Randy and a lot of other folks that Ryan lost touch with us years ago, focusing more on power and political party than on working people or Wisconsin communities.

If you haven’t seen it already (or haven’t shared it yet) — watch Randy’s video and then share it with your family and friends.

Paul Ryan hasn't held a public town hall in his district in more than two years. Fed up with Ryan’s refusal to even listen to constituents, Randy is running for congress to have the backs of Wisconsin working people and families.

In Congress, he'll fight for a single-payer healthcare system, a $15 an hour minimum wage, a commitment to reversing climate change, and an understanding that America's diversity makes us stronger, not weaker. He'll stand with women and families for equal pay for equal work, access to reproductive care, and affordable healthcare for all of us.

CNN called it a "viral video" run by the Bryce campaign a half year ago when Bryce announced his run against Paul Ryan.

This link for the video and an MSNBC interview.

Reporting on Bryce's attending Trump's latest State of the Union speech.

A longer interview, minutes short of an hour, worth the time.

Robert Reich interviews Bryce, fifteen minutes long.

Ashville Progressive. Young Turks, about the same length.

Last do you want an endorsement you can trust, not from DCCC or DNC, but from the heart of a warrior for us.

The crying shame is Jeff Erdmann is getting less attention, in part because Erdmann runs against a mere back bench fool, Bryce takes on the face and motivating evil genius of screwing the people over with a nasty smile. And Erdmann's union is not as forthright as Bryce's union support in Wisconsin's CD1.

Yet the two are kindred souls and need to be viewed as exactly that.