
Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Other outlets have yet to pick up the story, but Breitbart reports.

Screen capture from here (click the image to enlarge and read):

That is it. The entire post. "World clsss" mentioned. "Legacy" mentioned. Neither "Rebekah" nor "Mercer" mentioned. "Doorknob" not mentioned. "Hush money" not mentioned. Stable of 2018 Republican primary challengers not mentioned.

A footer to the item; likely a usual thing and with links omitted states, "Read More Stories About: Big Government, Big Journalism, Breitbart News, Stephen K. Bannon, Steve Bannon."

This image, not part of the Breitbart item and actually from entirely elsewhere on the web and not specifically in the context of the above screen captured report:

Playing with matches, starting fires, not mentioned either. In any event, we should wish Bannon well in his "Renaissance."

Some links for background, in random order: Here, here, Wikipedia here, and this March 17, 2017, item noteworthy for a nugget of pre-election reporting:

Since signing on to Team Trump, the Mercers have remained fervent in their support — even through the worst of the campaign scandals. When a tape was released of the Republican candidate telling Access Hollywood host Billy Bush that he used his fame to "grab [women] by the pussy," the Mercers released a rare statement reiterating their conviction.

"If Mr. Trump had told Billy Bush, whoever that is, earlier this year that he was for open borders, open trade, and executive actions in pursuit of gun control, we would certainly be rethinking our support for him," reads the statement to The Washington Post. "We are completely indifferent to Mr. Trump's locker room braggadocio."

For Russian rock lifters, this. Akin, this item mentioning Deutsche Bank; compare this websearch return list. Is there smoke? Is there fire? Is the Mueller investigation almost over?