
Friday, January 05, 2018

" Opposition leader Imran Khan said Pakistan should “delink” itself from the United States after its humiliation “by an ungrateful Donald Trump.” Khan has called for Pakistan to expel some U.S. diplomatic personnel and cut off supply routes for the U.S.-led coalition forces from the port city of Karachi to landlocked Afghanistan, as well as close its airspace to U.S. forces. Analysts fear the escalating tension could have a long-standing impact on regional security and the United States’ ongoing efforts in Afghanistan, where troop levels now stand at 14,000. “There is little doubt that both are on a collision course and their bilateral relationship is set for a very rough ride, if back channel efforts are not made to address the U.S. concerns,” said Vinay Kaura, an Indian security analyst."

Headline is three consecutive paragraphs from this WaPo item.