
Saturday, January 27, 2018

Not writing as well as Steve Timmer, I shall not try, but there is notice given when notice is proper.

Timmer writes of things Kersten, most recently here, with a degree of disdain and disgust well earned by Kersten. Following one of Timmer's links, and where it led:

NOTICE OF A GEEK-IN; PROPERLY PRICED, THIS SCREENCAPTURE (no link given, if you are inclined to attend, go search):

click thunbnail to read

My bet is Mandy Benz and Peggy Scott will each attend; each in the published price range $200 - $25,000 each closer to the $200 end. Each wearing suitable facial cosmetics as such an event might favor.

Advice to the twenty-five grand hitters. Go lighter, and invest the difference in the Mandy Benz campaign. Mandy can "trump" Tucker, on the issues. Indeed, she well could "pence" Tucker, up, down and sideways. More "pence" than "trump" to that gold mine.

LAST: Doesn't "Gala" scripted that way carry a bit of art deco aura?