
Sunday, January 14, 2018

Mixing in a little Norway with a main post about banks skating [not on fijords, but from liability for shady dealing], a post is discovered worthy of meandering posts at Developers are Crabgrass.

Without further ado, this post, linking here.

Norway has little to do with the bulk of such posting, but recent Trump commentary did involve Norway, and the lead image seems relevant to it.

And that image - what might readers think of the table-top sculpture behind the Norwegian Prime Minister's left shoulder? It reminds me of Jesse Ventura's term during his stint as Minnesota's governor, "Jackals of the Press."

Websearch moving in mysterious ways, open that first link, word search RENTEC. That suggested this websearch.

Without study yet of the return list, the thinking is RENTEC involved in money hooey means the Mercers, means lift that rock, something's under it.

ZeroHedge, search = RENTEC

One of the websearch results, a daunting 1202 page government report titled, "ABUSE OF STRUCTURED FINANCIAL PRODUCTS: Misusing Basket Options to Avoid Taxes and Leverage Limits," suggests Robert Mercer's empire was up to something, given RENTEC as part of searching; but it needs to be read before jumping to conclusions.

Short of completion of such reading/study, two links might interest readers: here and here. And consulting ZeroHedge did yield this current post about a first Uranium One investigation domino.

Websearch can be a gift that keeps giving. If wanting to understand the Mercers and their politics, first understanding how they make obscene amounts of money by manipulating the system might be a productive start. Or a blind end, but you need to look to find out.

Check out this 20 page list. So little time, so much to know.