
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Jennifer Carnahan has a keen idea, but she undervalues herself, and should aim for a simple quarter of every dollar, wherever from, since rapaciousness is the definition of being a Republican.

Strib online local reporting, not a news feed, "GOP Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan wants a 10 percent commission on all big donations - Under proposal, GOP's Carnahan would get personal cut from large donations to party she runs -- By J. Patrick Coolican Star Tribune, January 17, 2018 — 5:05pm."

She should ask herself, WWDWSD.

What Would Debbie Wasserman Schultz Do? And then show modesty by not seeking a third of every buck.

Here's one: WWDWSD if DWS had it to do over? The sky's the limit.

Tom Perez likely is at DNC watching how Carnahan's proposal progresses. Perez having a WWDWSD moment would make sense, an opportunity, with an opportunity to mull it over in light of how Carnahan fares per her modest ten percent request.

Mike Zimmer should request ten percent of every dollar the Wilfs take in; ditto Fleck at UMinn. Incentivize the system!