
Monday, January 29, 2018

If it is not about Amy, not about Tina, not about Lori, who?

Headline - an attention grabber - You Won’t Change the Outcome - If You Don’t Change the Candidate

As a needed disclaimer, there is no suggestion of changing horses midstream - Amy, Tina and Lori each being midstream incumbents with records on which to run and be judged.

When Trump says "Loser," you don't pay attention. He says too much, too often, and contradicting himself likely is thought by him to be an endearing charm.

This is Angie time. This link. Read it.

Same site, endorsed candidates, and look at the last one, how can you NOT send a check or go Act Blue on that one?

Shower Randy Bryce with money to win. Clearly his heart and mind are in the proper place.

You run against the root of all evil, you deserve positive feedback.

A link that got me to the Bryce website. The check to Bryce will be in the mail.

Note: Usually I yawn at endorsements, but Bryce has the good range, from Bernie to NARAL.