
Monday, January 22, 2018

HuffPo, Jan. 20, reported online, "Paul Ryan Collected $500,000 In Koch Contributions Days After House Passed Tax Law - by Mary Papenfuss"

This HuffPo link.

Do you believe in cause and effect, or would you prefer to infer posture serendipity?

See this list, linked to by HuffPo.

Specifically, beyond the donation timing, HuffPo further stated:

Koch and his brother David spent millions of dollars to get the tax law passed and are spending millions more in a public relations campaign in an attempt to boost support for the law, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Koch Industries, one of the largest private corporations in the nation, operates refineries and manufactures a variety of products. The new tax law — which slices corporate tax rates from 35 percent to 21 percent, slashes estate taxes and includes a special deduction for oil and gas investors — is expected to save the Koch brothers and their businesses billions of dollars in taxes.

[link in original] File the story under "lifestyles of the rich and famous," or under "you get what you are willing to pay for." Either.

UPDATE: My mnemonic for the story would be, "Money talks, Paul Ryan walks." While possibly sounding as if embracing some manner of serendipity over cause and effect, I remember Abscam and "Ozzie" Myers as a key part of the mnemonic choice. Caveat: Mnemonics are a very personal thing, and are not urged on others nor suggestions of anything beyond having what to me is a good personal mnemonic. Do not infer anything else. Please do not.