
Thursday, January 25, 2018

Guardian has done some interesting reporting about Wilbur Ross, but is Mueller interested, and is there anything to stick?

The search terms in that link are interesting, Readers might try it without specificity to the Guardian site.

One example of Guardian reporting here.

Another Google search.

It seems as if Ross and Pence are of little reported interest to the Mueller team. Neither is reported to have been interviewed by Mueller's people, and it was Pence who floated two false stories; that Flynn never talked sanctions, and the key motive for the Comey firing. This video of the latter misstatement really galls, given Trump's contradicting the "trumped up" story Pence shoveled to the press.

The designated trumper-upper of truth deserves more attention of the "What did he know, and when did he know it" variety. Fed a script twice and without any doubt shown, feeding it on as truth? What should that be called?

And what of Ross-Russian - Paradise Papers inquiry? Is Mueller doing any?

We have to wait and see.

UPDATE: At least the Bezos-WaPo people ask.

FURTHER: Reading that WaPo item as linked above, what about the final sentence? What about the pardon? "Unfortunately" is a curious word there.

FURTHER: Another WaPo link, in some ways less harsh than the above linked item.