
Wednesday, December 06, 2017

The Republican Party's base addressed in earnest: Is it demagoguery against each other meriting Schadenfreude, or fear and loathing?

Readers should ask themselves: When saying demagoguery, about Republicans, who comes to mind?

Yes, a vast big tent there, but is there a lightning rod caricature above others, in the vastness of bad actors?

Yes and it is the Mercer Money Machine's darling, back at 'em in Alabama:

this link

What is masterful in all this stuff, the strange bedfellowing that results.

Utah must be a wasteland (besides around Anaconda) with folks there offered Republlcan Romney, or Republican Orin Hatch, you'd think there might be a Democrat in the state to offer something above blighted-swamp critters, but seemingly it is not so.