
Friday, December 22, 2017

Issues matter.

"Read all about it" is a lead-in to limited length articles that should be introduced - in a context - for example, as, "Read something about it; in Minnesota's CD 8 DFL contest."

DFL incumbent Congressman Rick Nolan is a generally well known entity in the district, so the focus of this post is upon DFL challenger Leah Phifer.

So -- Her campaign site, Issues page: Read all she posts about it.

As the lesser known candidate we all should make an effort to study her thinking as well as Nolan's.

In reaching the page, do not miss any of the "read more" links. Issues writing on the link is well organized and well thought out. Whether you like Nolan or not, Phifer merits attention.

It is early in the process, but being informed early and often has merit.