
Sunday, December 10, 2017

For a placeholder Senate appointment, if Mark Dayton goes that way in appointing someone for the remainder of Franken's Senate term, what about Ken Martin?

Strib, in its own reporting and not carrying a press feed, published, "Gov. Mark Dayton won't talk U.S. Senate pick; possible choice Tina Smith keeps '18 run on table - Lt. Gov. Tina Smith still appears likeliest candidate. By Erin Golden - Star Tribune, December 8, 2017 — 9:59pm."

If, as reported there Tina Smith declines a Sherman statement as a "placeholder" in wanting to keep options open, what about getting a placeholder Sherman statement from Martin, and sending him to DC?

Yes, his party administrative post would require finding a replacement, but it would be a DFL opportunity to move progressively, away from the "same old" that saw both houses of the Minnesota legislature going decidely Republican during Martin's tenure atop the DFL inner-party tent.

Playing on an old saying, two rights do not make a wrong -

Ken Martin for interim (placeholder) Senator!

Or not. But at least it is an option Dayton, in objective candor, should consider. Also, presumably Martin would give a Sherman statement. Otherwise, he'd be Tina redux; with similar minuses and possible pluses.

Ken Martin's Wikipedia page link.