
Monday, December 04, 2017

Flynn plea spin-off?

Empty Wheel here, " Next Stop: Jared, December 1, 2017."

Sooooo - If you talk to the FBI in an interview and lie; you have committed the crime of violating the federal law making it a crime to lie to an FBI interviewer. And that is why it is always wise to decline to talk to them in any way whatsoever about anything, or at least to want your lawyer present.

So then --- If you talk to Face the Nation, and say anything that's a lie, who is it you lie to? Merely the TV interviewer or to "the Nation"? And what might be a fit remedy, if lying to a TV talking head is not a crime?

Note that it is not yet clear whether anybody lied to Face The Nation. Innocence is presumed in a trial alleging a crime. Is it a proper presumption for a member of the populace of "the Nation" to have to embrace in any non-criminal instance; or can you infer whatever you want from what you may so far have learned?

There was an interview, certainly, and it's yours again if you missed it when broadcast, given the gift to all of us: YouTube as history. So, no claim either way here. Watch and form YOUR opinions.

As a passing note, creativity in turning a good phrase merits praise: One Empty Wheel commentator in the comment stream invented the term, "Indictment Advent Calendar."

UPDATE: At least one other Trumpster person spoke to Kislyak. That is worth remembering as the tale unfolds.