
Friday, December 29, 2017

As easily verifiable fact, what do Jeff Bezos and Tina Smith have in common - going back to the start of each?

Each was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, six years apart. By seniority, Wikipedia, here and here. Also, each has had an elite university education.

An interesting aside, Bezos' news outlet, WaPo, "American land barons: 100 wealthy families now own nearly as much land as that of New England, By Christopher Ingraham December 21;" leading with this pie chart; biggest slice being no surprise yet the size of it is staggering:

tune time - click here

Privatization of federal lands is an expanding problem; it's not just Woodie Guthrie saying so. And Woodie's guitar label, it did not get nearly enough of 'em. (Right now, there's one named Zinke, another named Pence, and a Ryan.)

Why the Woodie item goes silent midway, don't know; so  bringing in reinforcements from 1986, (Mid-Gipper time), live and in concert, this.

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