
Saturday, October 28, 2017

What do the CIA and FBI have to hide?

WaPo, here. Covering up for the Dulles brothers?

As a bet, without taking the time to wade through the censored document release in the last few days, the contention here is that the word "Dulles" was fully redacted and never appears. Readers with evidence in the documents to the contrary are urged to submit links via a comment.

UPDATE: Interestingly, word searching this WaPo page for "Dulles" yielded no hits. Reader help: any mention, Rafael Cruz - Mexico in the recently declassified publicly released stuff?

NOTE: No "Cruz" mention foound by word search on that WaPo page; one "Mexico" item noted there. Trump's suggestion Rafael Cruz met Oswald in Mexico City was a bold assertion, one yet to be proven or disproved. Whatever the truth, it sure seemed to light Ted Cruz's fuse. And for that Trump deserves due notice.