
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Uranium One. Is it old news with a new twist; or questionably deep-sixed things floating to today's surface?

Links here and here were found giving initial notice. In addition, WaPo, and LA Times, reporting links were found in the return list of this web search.

There always was an air of some skulduggery going under media attention and scrutiny. Now if there is substance, it should be uncovered, or the matter dismissed as potentially lurid, but without sufficient evidence of wrong doing.

Either way, a more refined PUBLIC airing atarting with examination of FBI investigation results (and following the money where it may lead) should benefit national discourse while satisfying the public's need to know. Always following the money helps. If criminality was avoided, there might still be a veneer of sleaze reaching multiple culprits. Sunlight on the entire business of Uranium One dealings, and political and fiscal interactions cannot be anything but helpful. Money and power and American uranium reserves make good reading once someone formulates a story to tell with proof backing it up.