
Thursday, September 14, 2017

Who opposes "Medicare for All?" In two videos. With links to other YouTube video.

Here and here. Republican/corporatist mongers of the status quo, in sheep's clothing.

RT interviews Grayson. The Canadian healthcare answer.

Democracy Now!

Bernie, himself, explains his bill, his intent and his thinking.

PBS, with an hour's worth of content. Watching it all will be an illumination. Cory Booker has a chance to reach out, among other speakers. Weigh what each speaker says, how it is said.

So how do you explain the foot dragging Dem establishment? Patty Murray. Nancy Pelosi. Diane Feinstein. Chuck Schumer. Who holds ownership of the opposition to the Bernie bill, and how is that exercised?

UPDATE: Does any reader have a good link to the actual text of the bill? That would be nice to have. Instead of commenting on it the media ought to link to it; also at least that if commentary is the first aim. Any reader with that link is urged to submit a comment giving the link.

FURTHER: Guardian coverage is sound. Another video - "a step forward ... not a fringe issue anymore."

FURTHER: Something happened. A book could be written about it.

FURTHER: Those cosponsoring Bernie's bill seem to be hopeful of presidential chances; 2020. While it is early, it is interesting to see the positioning behind what the people clearly want. A Republican House and Senate, after 2018 elections and after 2020, or one in Republican hands likely would prevent the civilized outcome from being enacted. The meaning is clear. Pelosi and Feinstein need primary opposition and the Dems must, to make progress, take over majorities in both houses.

The message is clear. Trump promised a lot and delivered to Wall Street/Goldman Sachs. For any shot at single payer, a Dem in the White House and majorities in both houses is a necessary condition, but to get off the dime it must be a sufficient condition also. That is not easy. Easier said than done is the old saying, which applies exactly. A lot of "ifs" are between civilized joinder with the civilized world's single payer situations; or more of the same. And the Republicans' efforts, laughable as they were when forced to articulate alternatives, would, on losing into minority status transit to more of what went on during the Obama terms - even with a leader more aggressively representing popular will and the public interest than the corporatist Obama proved to be.

We need CHANGE beyond cynical posturing and empty delivery. And yesterday was not soon enough. Cory Booker, tell us about income inequality and your answer for it, please, since legalization and single payer positions have been articulated. Sen. Booker, tell us how you'd police Wall Street after all the money they put behind your continued position-holding at the state and federal level. Or, again, there are alternatives besides Booker who in that PBS hour long video projected as much or more of a mood of sincerity over positioning.

Last thought, Tom Perez has been MIA on single payer and not because he's had no opportunity to articulate DNC support. Because it's not in his lexicon, or some such reason. The Perez posture will be an interesting barometer of things, and the man should most definitely not be allowed to skate. Glide and slide will not suffice. Mere lip synching with the choir will show.