
Thursday, September 21, 2017

Is Minnesota a microcosm of nationwide petty official abuse, because a situation shows it?

Strib: Court fight between Gov. Mark Dayton, lawmakers shines light on hefty legislative expenses - Court filings provide a rare glimpse into expenses. -- By Erin Golden Star Tribune - September 19, 2017 — 10:14pm; stating:

The latest turn in the monthslong dispute between the governor and Legislature provides a rare glimpse into the finances of the Legislature, which is not subject to the same open records laws as other public entities in Minnesota, [... per photo caption]

Spending items range from payroll and office expenses to State Fair Tickets ($3,750) and flowers ($482). The information disclosed does not link the expense reimbursements to the 201 individual members of the Legislature, or indicate if the sometimes-hefty expenses were racked up by Republicans or DFLers.

In court filings, legislative leaders say those expenses and others — which typically aren’t shared in detail with the public — are necessary to keep the Legislature running.

[ending italics emphasis added]