
Tuesday, September 26, 2017

An image used by Dan Burns at MPP, with a quote, raises a dichotomy.

First, the image, from MPP:

So, the question arises - schools as and within a community - should each local school be a reflection of its community, or should it aim to be an improvement, an upgrade to the mood of the community? Where I live, the latter. It is a community - county wide - full of Trump voting Dominionists with little schooling and less judgment. Followers of pastors who say whatever, not thinking on their own. Driving expensive tricked out pickup trucks with nary a scratch on the bed. Or stock from the lot, after-market trick-free. Show pickups far more frequently than working ones. Likely bought on credit, not cash sales. The taller the driver's seat, the better. Clear as black and white:

Schooling in the community holds out the hope of Teslas and hybrids. Next generation, or the one following.

AND - working pickups are fine. They have purpose. They belong, naturally. They are not unnatural like Mike Pence or Paul Ryan. (Neither of whom is a likely tricked out pickup driver, yet with each loved locally anyway, beyond reason and beyond good sense. Indeed, Michele Bachmann, a local favorite, is not likely a pickup driver either. She tricks up her aging face with makeup, but that's just fodder for a separate post.)

After-market face.

UPDATE: Tune time.