
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Home town; Ramsey MN, Anoka County gets a good restaurant.

Menu cover, full menu pdf online.

And may they profit and prosper. On Sunfish Lake Blvd., at Highway 10. Not loud. No TV. Presently no beer, wine or bar; with it unclear whether any license application is pending. The evening pot roast and a salad were both good. Broccoli side dish steamed correctly, al dente, and the salad crisp and fresh. A promising breakfast menu.

This Google gives the cafe's website and Facebook page, and navigation information.

Not loud and such, not somebody's sports bar, not dark and off-putting like the Town Center place beginning with "A." Better. By a good measure, but opinions can differ.

Give it a try.

click to enlarge the map to know where it is