
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The absentee town hall. But did you expect more than collecting the pay and mailing in the town hall?

This link. The Indivisible, for the Invisible:

Constituents in Northfield filled a town hall on Monday night seeking clarification on the positions of Rep. Jason Lewis, whose absence, not presence, defined the evening.

Hundreds poured into St. John’s Church in Northfield to voice their concerns and ask questions of their newly elected representative to Congressional District 2.

When asked to attend the town hall, Lewis declined, so event organizers prepared by carefully documenting the event for Lewis and even queuing up some of his responses from the campaign that were played on a projector for the crowd on hand.

In an interview with the Northfield News late last week, Lewis’s Communications Director, Stephen Bradford, pointed out that Lewis has been engaging in “telephone town halls” where a lucky few constituents are given the chance to ask questions of the representative and can voice their views by clicking buttons that align closest with their responses.

In a letter to the editor in the Star Tribune on Tuesday, Lewis indicated that he does, “not endorse a partisan, political point-scoring event filtering down from nationally-organized ‘Indivisible’ groups with handbooks from Democrat former staffers. I want a respectful exchange with those who want to be heard.”

No show because it might have been less than praise-filled back patting? There is distinction between a reason, and an excuse. So, is it an isolated thing, or a pattern?

Strib, here. Screenshots:

Telephone town halls? What's his worry, his record, a debt collector showing up, a process server, or some pidgeon wanting his/her money back?

I recall seeing the Trump University thing unfold as so much smoke and mirrors and cashflow out from folks into an empty gimmick, and saying to myself, "Trump University? That is just Deja vu,"

Contemplate, the difference between, "Missing In Action," and "Missing, Inaction." Hiya, Jason.