
Thursday, July 06, 2017

Iceland on my mind.

Reykjavik Grapevine, here. What is interesting is after the global banking shock of Bushco's Sept. 2008 (earlier some places), Iceland allowed systemic failures - dominoes falling - and put some bankers and other shysters into jail and the volcanoes did not erupt in cosmic disapproval. The earth did not move. A lesson of a way the big O never contemplated. Iceland lacked a Geithner, one guesses.

UPDATE: Of equal interest, Bushco [Goldman Sachs/Treasury's Paulson too] allowed Lehman [commercial paper = Main Street small business] to be the one and only domino to fall; the others including AIG being propped up -- through Bushco + the big O in continuation, Geithner channeling Paulson, but who expected elsewise? If news to you, you are not alone; here and here. The news is the unexpectedly high and appalling level of audacity these pirates show.