
Sunday, June 25, 2017

Tools of Mammon and bigotry unite. Darkness at mid-day.

Tools of tools, met with Pence tool.
Charles Koch and his chief lieutenants met privately with Vice President Mike Pence for nearly an hour Friday. Pence, a longtime Koch ally, was in Colorado Springs to address a gathering of religious conservatives.

AP report, source of image and quote. If you do not recognize the photo tools, well, who does? Besides Charles and David and fellow traveler Pence? Just know evil is as evil does. They want people to die so they'll have more and the populace will be intimidated and meek. They want to inherit the earth, or more to the truth, to have it now and pass it to like minded tools. Not waiting to inherit, seizing initiative, standing against norms of fairness and decency toward the health worries and needs of others. Tools of backwardness and meanness.