
Friday, May 19, 2017

This is important. Not only for itself but as an example of what the future of the Democratic Party might be, if they'd pass up big money and merely accept and nurture what is there for the taking. It is their's by abdication of the other party toward Dominionism and nativist Angst.

This ABC News link. The Angst of the young will be more lasting, by way of the Reaper if nothing else. The 1% have no Angst. They've Greed alone, or with ingrained nastiness, Paul Ryan coming to mind.

Worth a quote, that report, mid-item, states:

Despite its image among outsiders as solidly GOP territory, Montana has fiercely independent denizens who regularly elect Democrats to statewide races, although those Democrats usually pledge allegiance to the rural creed of supporting gun rights and being willing to buck the national party. While Donald Trump won the state by a 20 percent margin, Montana voters also re-elected their Democratic governor, Steve Bullock, who beat Gianforte by 4 percentage points.

Quist is running as a populist and political outsider who supports strengthening President Barack Obama's health care law, not repealing it. He backs abortion rights, same-sex marriage, pay equity for women and lower interest rates for college loans — themes that resonate with younger voters.

Earlier this month, Quist enlisted actress Alyssa Milano and a scene-stealing pet goat, both of whom were unleashed upon the grounds of one of the state's largest college campuses to help get out the vote. Milano, whose erstwhile TV show "Charmed" is a cult favorite among some college students, roamed dorm halls to register students for absentee ballots and shuttled some to the county elections office to cast ballots ahead of the special election.

In Gallatin County, home to Montana State University in Bozeman, elections officials reported long lines of mostly young people waiting to cast votes after Milano's visit.

When Bullock chose May 25 to hold the special election — the earliest date possible — he likely had the college vote in mind, so early absentee voting would overlap with the final weeks of the school year. That gave his fellow Democrat a window, albeit a narrow one, to rally college students before they dispersed into Montana's hinterlands for the summer.

"Democrats know they have to swing a lot of those middle or independent voters, so young voters are incredibly important. It should be a pretty coveted group of people because they aren't always decided," said Rachel Huff-Doria, executive director of Forward Montana, which helps get out the vote on college campuses across the state.

As he did in his bid for governor, Gianforte has largely ignored college campuses. His campaign has focused on rallying older, established voters to cast ballots.

So what about the goat? A word search got only the one hit. The St. Paul Saints independent league baseball team by tradition has a pig as a mascot, this year's pig being named "Alternative Fats." Somebody has to bring balls to the home plate umpire, and the mascot's been tasked.

But now, that said, what about the goat?

FURTHER: Perhaps the goat has some presence in the TV item Charmed, but it's likely a devil in some details since the IMDb page text is goatless.

It leads to an even bigger question for the less immediate future. Will the goat be going to Georgia, given this headline?

____________FURTHER UPDATE______________
While Quist is active toward the May 25 election deadline, including the May 20-21 sessions with Bernie [see link from top sidebar for detail], some criticize Ginaforte for no schedule no appearances. But it's not only hunker in the bunker, he's standing ready to sermonize.

____________FURTHER UPDATE______________
Dorm doorknocking. Great. Fine. BUT WHERE'S THE GOAT?