
Thursday, May 11, 2017

Intentionally dumb to the truth. And dumb enough to do it on a nationally broadcast segment memorialized on YouTube.

This link.

The guy appears to be talking proof that voters, somewhere, had a learning curve but that low on it, he became Rep. ... but the curve was there enough he is former Rep.

Not so. After redistricting he ran in a new district against Tammy Duckworth and she cleaned his clock. An overlapping set of voters, most likely, but with enough sensible people mixed in that it's now Rep. Duckworth, and do a talk radio show Joe.


William Joseph Walsh, known as Joe Walsh (born December 27, 1961), is an American conservative talk radio host and former congressman. He served one term in the United States House of Representatives for Illinois' 8th congressional district.[1][2][3] He served from January 2011 through January 2013, after defeating three-term incumbent Democratic Representative Melissa Bean by a margin of 291 votes in a surprising upset.[4] He is a member of the Republican Party. [...] popular with the Tea Party movement.[5][6]

Congress remains full of voter mistakes.

Or sometimes it is mediocre lesser evils. For Joe, not so. His case was voter favoritism toward the greater evil.

Two parties giving us two evils is, at its heart, demoralizing and counterproductive to the nation being good. Yet this Joe Walsh guy actually advanced out of a Republican primary and the Republican Party is hence less at fault, having favored others as viable. Joe Walsh is living proof of pure Tea Party duncery at its worse. Same folks, different place. that made my Rep. in Congress Michele Bachmann, despite good sense to the contrary.

A/k/a good sense existing within a minority of those skilled enough to find a polling place, but the majority who did not get lose voted plain stupid.

The vote, in some hands, is less than treasured. The people who voted for the clown are a sebset of the people who got hoodwinked by Trump; the worry being a Trump removal, and a President Pence. Were that to happen it would be a low where you'd have to go back to Reagan for an equally repugnant presidency.

UPDATE: Lacking confirmation, I nonetheless contend that the Republican strategy in sending Mike Pence to Montana is to make Greg Gianforte look like a genius by comparison. As if Greg were standing next to a tree.

image source, here
Why is Pence set to appear in Billings? Why not at the creationist museum Gianforte funded in Glendive, MT? A hinterlands place to swap stories about Russia, Noah, retirement, healthcare, public land access, and DC lobbyist cash.

FURTHER UPDATE: There is logic to holding the appearance in Billings. There would be a larger hall to pack in more voters so Pence could urge them, "Give like a DC lobbyist, so your guy Gianforte can go to DC to be closer to them."

Something like that for an honest message if one's intended.