
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

House Majority PAC [a Dem one] has invested in an "Our Pain is His Gain" Montana video ad focused on Gianforte's lobbyist call attaboy for the Ryancare handoff to the Senate. GOP counters. Quist GOTV ads are the important ones.

The video, online here. Hat tip to KOS for presenting the link, per this online item.

There's the old saying, every little bit helps.

UPDATE: GOP attack video ad against Quist also noted by KOS.

Greg running against Nancy Pelosi again. Yawn. Nothing positive said about Gianforte in the item. It looks to be generic "Hate on Pelosi" content, filmed with a Quist lead-in, but surely avoiding Greg's attaboy of the Ryancare business in DC. Don't look there, as if it never happened but it did.

Every Quist vote is important and the deadline is tomorrow.

FURTHER - Top sidebar item, click the image, weigh the Quist GOTV need.